Site icon East Polk Parking and Storage


East Polk Parking and Storage offers certified public scales 50 feet long with a maximum capacity of 100,000 pounds.

Set up an appointment below or call (863) 287 1514 to get weighed by one of our certified operators and receive the original plus one copy of the weight ticket.

Our weights are certified, licensed, and sealed in accordance with all applicable governmental jurisdiction and respective laws, rules and regulations.

Scale Rates

Single Weight: $12.50

Reweigh Additional: $4.50

(Applies to all scale customers)

Maximum Capacity: 100,000 pounds

Length of Platform: 50 feet


Monday – Friday

7:00 am – 2:00

Closed Major Holidays

Platform type.

Certified operator present.

Weights on the scale tickets are printomatic.

Keeps a file copy of each weight ticket.

Furnishes drivers with an original plus 1 copy of weight ticket with payment.

Certified, licensed and sealed in accordance with all applicable governmental jurisdiction and respective laws, rules and regulations.

**Tall Vehicles use diagram below**

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